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Archived Presentations & Videos

Archived Presentations & Videos

NCC Annual Fall Meeting 2017

National Coal Council Fall 2017 Meeting attendees tour the National Carbon Capture Center outside Birmingham, Alabama.

NCC Annual Spring Meeting 2017

Stephen Nelson -COO - Longview Power, LLC

FuelCellEnergy - Fuel Cell Based Carbon Capture

David L. Denton - Advanced Technologies for CO2 Capture & Utilization

Jared Moore, Ph.D. - Thermal Hydrogen: An Emissions Free Coal/Gas Economy

Video - The Honorable Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy

The Honorable Rick Perry Secretary of Energy addresses the Nation Coal Council at the Spring meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on April 19, 2017. Secretary Perry energized the National Coal Council annual meeting asserting the need to keep an open mind about coal to tap its full potential.

Video - The Honorable Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy - Media Interview

Following his Keynote Presentation at the NCC’s 2017 Annual Spring Meeting, Secretary Rick Perry conducted his first media interview as Secretary of Energy.

Video - Stephen Nelson

Stephen Nelson, Chief Operating Officer, Longview Power LLC “Longview Power speaks on State-of-the-Art Clean Coal Technology for Reliable, Low-Cost Electrical Power”

Video - Jared Moore

Jared Moore, Ph.D., Principal, Meridian Energy speaks on Thermal Hydrogen: An Emissions Free Coal/Gas Economy

Video - David Denton

David Denton, Senior Director Business Development Energy, RTI International speaks on Advanced Technologies for CO2 Capture & Utilization: Power & Industrial Applications

Video - Anthony Leo

Anthony Leo, Vice President of Applications & Advanced Technology Development FuelCell Energy speaks on “Fuel Cell Carbon Capture Pilot Plant: Fuel Cell Energy’s DOE-Sponsored Program & Pilot Demonstration

NCC Annual Fall Meeting 2016

NCC Annual Spring Meeting 2016

NCC Annual Fall Meeting 2015


NCC Annual Spring Meeting 2015

www.NationalCoalCouncil.org is the official website of the NCC Inc. NCC Inc. is a 501(c) organization that assists with the U.S. Department of Energy’s management of the National Coal Council (NCC), a federal advisory committee that provides advice to the U.S. Secretary of Energy. The official website for NCC, the federal advisory committee, may be accessed at https://ncc.energy.gov/ncc/.